The Single in Single Parent

We are only 5 weeks into 2016 and I find myself single again.   

My 4 year old relationship ended suddenly and without warning but while the pain is still palpable I know it’s for the best. If there is no shared vision for the future there is no point. 
It’s still a shock to the system though. I have been writing about being a single parent for a while now but all the while with the security of having a partner albeit one that I didn’t live with.
Well I am now feeling the single in single parent now and my world is a little different. 

My ex is now out of the country and out of bounds in terms of emotional support with the children. The sense of isolation is sometimes overwhelming and my teenagers continue to be a demanding lot, it’s good in a way to know that the world keeps turning no matter what.

So this year is going to be a year of discovery a year of learning to be on my own to see if I can do it. Reconnecting with old friends developing my career and being nice to me.

If someone comes along hopefully I will be in a good place and I will know what I want and what I can give. 

Until the next time D

One thought on “The Single in Single Parent”

  1. My marriage also ended suddenly and without warning after 20 years. It felt like my world fell apart, but in retrospect, it needed to happen, and 16 years later I am much better off. Reconnecting with old friends and being nice to you are exactly what you need. Career development is a good idea, too. You might be interested in my “Work in Progress” page. So glad to find you through Twitter! Take care!

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